User fee studies typically recover many times the initial cost of the study and these revenues accrue year after year. Maximizing non-tax revenues, while widening and diversifying income streams evidences a sophisticated approach to revenue enhancement.
At every level of government, and even within non-profit organizations, services are rendered to the public, or others, that may, or possibly, should carry a charge or fee.
Comprehensive study
A comprehensive user fee study will identify the array of services the governmental unit or organization either can or currently provides, and the costs associated therewith.
Establishment of fees
Historically, fees for services are often set or adjusted without knowledge of the true cost of the service which can result in either an over recovery or a subsidization of the service. A user fee study provides the organization with the true cost of each service where a fee is either being charged or being contemplated. This ICS value-added service will provide management with a knowledge base upon which to set the actual fees.
Benefits can significantly increase revenue by setting fees based on true cost Fee Schedules that will be based on fairness and equity and that are defendable from a cost basis when charged to any source of revenue including Federal sources, users or other government partners.
Based on the knowledge gained over years of experience, the ICS team can provide both the insight and cost analysis experience necessary to review and establish an equitable fee structure.